pub use qvl_sys::quote3_error_t;
pub use qvl_sys::sgx_ql_request_policy_t;
pub use qvl_sys::sgx_ql_qv_supplemental_t;
pub use qvl_sys::sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t;
pub use qvl_sys::tdx_ql_qve_collateral_t;
pub use qvl_sys::sgx_ql_qv_result_t;
pub use qvl_sys::sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t;
pub use qvl_sys::sgx_qv_path_type_t;
pub use qvl_sys::tee_supp_data_descriptor_t;
Get SGX supplemental data required size.
When the Quoting Verification Library is linked to a process, it needs to know the proper enclave loading policy.
The library may be linked with a long lived process, such as a service, where it can load the enclaves and leave
them loaded (persistent). This better ensures that the enclaves will be available upon quote requests and not subject
to EPC limitations if loaded on demand. However, if the Quoting library is linked with an application process, there
may be many applications with the Quoting library and a better utilization of EPC is to load and unloaded the quoting
enclaves on demand (ephemeral). The library will be shipped with a default policy of loading enclaves and leaving
them loaded until the library is unloaded (PERSISTENT). If the policy is set to EPHEMERAL, then the QE and PCE will
be loaded and unloaded on-demand. If either enclave is already loaded when the policy is change to EPHEMERAL, the
enclaves will be unloaded before returning.
Set the full path of QVE and QPL library.
The function takes the enum and the corresponding full path.
Perform SGX ECDSA quote verification.
Get TDX supplemental data required size.
Perform TDX ECDSA quote verification.
Get supplemental data latest version and required size, support both SGX and TDX
Get quote verification collateral.
Perform quote verification for SGX and TDX
This API works the same as the old one, but takes a new parameter to describe the supplemental data (p_supp_data_descriptor)