Switchboard Mainnet Program ID SW1TCH7qEPTdLsDHRgPuMQjbQxKdH2aBStViMFnt64f
Load the Switchboard Program ID for a given cluster
solana cluster to fetch program ID for
Switchboard Program ID Public Key
Load the Switchboard Program for a given cluster
solana cluster to interact with
optional Connection object to use for rpc request
optional Keypair to use for onchain txns. If ommited, a dummy keypair will be used and onchain txns will fail
optional confirmation options for rpc request
Switchboard Program
Pack instructions into transactions as tightly as possible
Instructions or Grouping of Instructions to pack down into transactions. Arrays of instructions will be grouped into the same tx. NOTE: this will break if grouping is too large for a single tx
Optional feepayer
Optional blockhash
Repack Transactions and sign them
Web3.js Connection
Transactions to repack
Signers for each transaction
Sign transactions with correct signers
array of transactions to sign
array of keypairs to sign the array of transactions with
transactions signed
Generated using TypeDoc
Switchboard Devnet Program ID 2TfB33aLaneQb5TNVwyDz3jSZXS6jdW2ARw1Dgf84XCG